On request of VOKA International, Mr. Theo Macours provided his assistance for the ‘Expert International’ program of VOKA, where experts share their international expertise with start-ups as well as with companies already in the acquisition or transition phase.
For more information, the website of VOKA can be consulted: www.voka.be/expert-international.
- What is the importance of a transport contract in international trade? The context of transport in international trade and the importance of a transport contract.
- Which are the most important documents in transport and when do we use which one?
- Risks in international transport and how to insure against them?
As an internationally active company, it is essential to be up-to-date and to know the scope of the various transport documents. Some of them are required for cross-border transport and vary according to the mode of transport chosen. A good understanding of the obligations and liabilities of the sender and the carrier is therefore indispensable.